Digital and information literacy

ALIA Library

ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government Inquiry into Adult Literacy, March 2021

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian Public Library Australia (APLA) discusses how libraries bring lifelong learning to the people who need it most; support adult literacy in its many forms; and make the link between early literacy and family literacy. 


ALIA submission to Infrastructure Australia, October 2008

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) discusses how investment in libraries can be expected to generate economic as well as social, cultural and environmental benefits. Libraries sustain the community in social, cultural and environmental terms and contribute positively in terms of economic value, benefit and activity. ALIA advocates the development of an informed society that can partake and participate in skilled decision-making.

ALIA submission to the ACARA consultation on the draft K-10 Australian Curriculum, May 2010

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) discusses the role of school libraries and teacher librarians in supporting the Australian Curriculum. The integration of information literacy into the curriculum and the explicit teaching of information skills are essential to ensure that students become independent, discerning lifelong learners.


ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Department of Communications Regional Connectivity Program discussion paper, September 2019

This joint submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) discusses the role of public libraries in the digital space, enhancing people’s online experiences, helping people connect to this new virtual world, and providing a safety net for those who are in danger of being left behind, particularly in terms of the ability to access government information.

ALIA submission in response to the National Cultural Policy discussion paper, October 2011

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the development of a National Cultural Policy. A coherent national policy can provide the leverage and the focus that channels funding to agreed national priorities. For libraries, where our role spans many sectors, a national policy can bring together the complex parts and provide a clear statement of priority and intent. ALIA submits the following recommendations:

Submission in response to the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways into Work, Further Education and Training Discussion Paper, December 2019

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) discusses the value of school libraries in supporting teaching staff, building reading and information literacies, promoting cybersafety and digital skills, and providing access to recreational books as well as essential study materials.


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