
ALIA Library

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Census consultation

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) discusses the invaluable role of public libraries in enabling digital inclusion. The submission recommends consultation be undertaken between the ABS and ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance about a funded education and communications plan for 2021 Census, to articulate the role of public libraries and allow for information sessions, factsheets, FAQs and handouts to be provided well in advance of any public-facing campaign.

Submission in response to the teaching, training and research costing studying public consultation paper - independent hospital pricing authority (IHPA) - December 2014

This paper is submitted as feedback to the IHPA (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) public consultation paper prepared by Paxton Partners ‘Teaching, training and research costing study’ issued in December 2014.

The Executive of HLA is greatly concerned at the omission in the public consultation paper of the role performed by health libraries, and by information technology in general, in the paper prepared by Paxton Partners on the creation of an appropriate classification (costing study) for teaching, training and research (TTR).

Nexus: an analysis of the data collected in the nexus census

This report presents the background and rationale to the collaborative research project, which was born from the fundamental belief that there was a nexus, a deep connection, or indeed a series of connections, between education, curriculum, recruitment, retention, training and development that was necessary to sustain and develop the LIS workforce in Australia.

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