Disaster response and recovery

ALIA Library

Submission to the Second National Action Plan under the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework

This submission by ALIA is to inform the Second National Action Plan under the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework. The submission provides responses to Discussion Questions three and five as follows: outline the enablers that are fundamental to ALIA's efforts in reducing disaster risks (Q3); identify gaps that impede efforts to reduce disaster risks (Q3); highlight an opportunity to develop and deliver a collections disaster training course (Q5).

ALIA submission to 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, December 2009

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) highlights the role public libraries can play as part of the emergency management process and reinforces their contribution, not only to information and learning, but also as a ‘third place’ – not home, school or work, but a shared community space.


ALIA disaster scenarios for staff training sessions

This document has been updated from an earlier edition (ALIA, 2010) and provides various disaster training scenarios which can help staff to prepare, update and refine library Disaster Plans and assist in staff training. A list of key issues is also provided for facilitators to select and adapt to help groups explore the implications of the different disaster scenarios.
This resource can be used in conjunction with the ALIA Disaster Management for Libraries: Guide (Part 1) and Disaster Plan Template (Part 2).

ALIA disaster management for libraries: part two - disaster plan template

This template has been flexibly designed for your library or cultural institution to develop its own collections Disaster Plan. It is to be used in conjunction with the Guide (Part one) which provides an overview and context for the Disaster Plan. The template is based on a medium to large sized library but can be tailored to meet the needs of smaller libraries, or other collecting organisations.

ALIA disaster management for libraries: part one - guide

This guide provides concise information about how to safeguard library collections in the event of a disaster and has been updated from an earlier edition (ALIA, 2010). The Guide (Part one) gives an overview and context for the Disaster Plan. The Disaster Plan Template (Part two) provides further details and a flexible integrated model with tables and a checklist for you to adapt and develop your library’s own Disaster Plan.

ALIA disaster recovery: project summary [slides]

This presentation (PowerPoint slides) summarises the 'ALIA Rebuilding with Books' initiative. In August of 2009, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) partnered with the Australian Booksellers Association, and the Australian Publishers’ Association, to provide books to people who had been affected by the bushfires. The project included the State Library of Victoria, the School Library Association of Victoria, the Public Libraries Victoria Network, and the Friends of Libraries Australia.


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