
ALIA Library

How public libraries contribute to the STEM agenda 2017

This report, produced by ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) demonstrates how public libraries are supporting the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) agenda as centres of informal learning.  It showcases what can be achieved through local government investment and public library staff skills and creativity.
It is based on presentations at the STEAM into Sydney Conference held at the State Library of New South Wales in March 2017 in conjunction with the mid-term meeting of the IFLA Standing Committee on Public Libraries.  

10 ways that libraries power smart cities

Australian public libraries are powering smart cities through award-winning design, providing technology hotspots, assisting economic prosperity, enabling creative industries to network and grow, building a literate nation through offering informal and formal education opportunities, providing digital access with modern technology and services to assist and engage new migrants and all members of the community.
This document supercedes the previous iteration published in 2016.

Submissions in response to the Draft National Strategy for International Education - April 2015

In order to maximise the potential of libraries to support the international student experience, on campus and remotely, funding must be made available for the very latest resources and we ask the Australian Government to recognise this in its final report detailing the national strategy for international education.

A strategy for the recognition of competence in the library and information services industries: at industry levels A-D. Additional material and bibliography

This Recognition Strategy is designed to provide a national process and guidelines for recognising the current knowledge and skills of people working in, or proposing to enter the library industry.

It provides an overall framework which encompasses a number of models or options that can be further adapted for use in library workplaces or in training situations. As it is based on assessment against the Library Industry Competency Standards at levels A-D, it provides a common basis against which to benchmark the learning that takes place in many different situations.

A strategy for the recognition of competence in the library and information services industries: at industry levels A-D. Guide B

This title of this guide is Recognition exemplar using modules in the Diploma of Library and Information Studies.

This Recognition Strategy is designed to provide a national process and guidelines for recognising the current knowledge and skills of people working in, or proposing to enter the library industry.

A strategy for the recognition of competence in the library and information services industries: at industry levels A-D. Guide A

The title of this guide is Recognition exempler using the library industry competency standards.

This Recognition Strategy is designed to provide a national process and guidelines for recognising the current knowledge and skills of people working in, or proposing to enter the library industry.


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