Library administration

ALIA Library

ALIA future of the library and information science profession: collecting institutions 2017 report update

In 2013, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) set out to investigate (1) How will libraries remain relevant for users? (2) What changes will institutions and individuals in the sector experience? (3) Will ‘library and information professional’ continue to be a necessary and desirable occupation? Three years on, we have reviewed the themes, actions and what we have learned since the original investigation. This is the May 2017 update of the Future of the LIS Profession: Collecting Institutions report. 

ALIA future of the library and information science profession: 2017 report update

In 2013, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) set out to investigate (1) How will libraries remain relevant for users? (2) What changes will institutions and individuals in the sector experience? (3) Will ‘library and information professional’ continue to be a necessary and desirable occupation? Three years on, we have reviewed the themes, actions and what we have learned since the original investigation. This is the May 2017 update of the Future of the Library and Information Science Profession report. 

ALIA submission in response to the WA Public Libraries Strategy Consultation

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation and commends the WA Public Libraries Working Group on its approach to planning for the future. Public libraries are transforming their facilities, programs, services, technologies and staff skills to meet the challenges of our increasingly digital society. However, a significant additional investment in terms of funding, resources, skills and capacity is needed to ensure plans can be realised.

Victorian public libraries 2030: the future in action

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016, Melbourne: Engage, create, lead
This conference paper details the development of Victorian Public Libraries 2030: Strategic Framework (VPL 2030) a strategic approach to the planning of public library projects in Victoria.  It shows how the framework operates to maintain a consistent approach across the Victoria public library sector and provide updates on statewide public library development projects undertaken collaboratively by Public Library Victoria Network (PLVN) and the State Library of Victoria (SLV).  

IFLA global vision discussion: Australia contributes to the IFLA Global Vision conversation survey results

Results of a survey conducted in 2017 to elicite views on how a united library field can tackle the challenges of the future.  Respondents were ALIA personal members or work for libraries that are ALIA instutional members.  The report is a contribution to the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) Global Vision conversation.

Guidelines for Australian health libraries 4th edition

The challenge, particularly with a prescriptive document such as this, is to produce guidelines which are broad enough to encompass all health libraries but which detail an acceptable and achievable level of practice across those same libraries. To this end the Guidelines need to be flexible, adaptable and applicable irrespective of the size and makeup of any individual library service. It is hoped the fourth edition of the Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries achieves this desired outcome. 


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