
ALIA Library

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) Fact Sheets

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The series of fact sheets address poverty in Australia, homelessness, gender equality, and early literacy, language and learning.

National Early Language and Literacy Strategy: Discussion paper

This discussion paper outlines the objectives and priorities of a National Early Language and Literacy Strategy based on the evidence review undertaken between March 2019 and June 2020. The review included peerreviewed literature, existing national and international strategies, policies and programs, in addition to previous work undertaken by the National Early Language and Literacy Coalition. Its content will frame the co-design by the Working Group of a draft National Strategy. Considerations and questions are highlighted throughout to structure input and discussion on:

Declaration statement in support of literacy and numeracy for all adult Australians

In 2021, ALIA supported the Declaration statement in support of literacy and numeracy for all adult Australians alongside Adult Learning Australia, the Australian Council for Adult Literacy, the Australian Council of Social Services, the Australian Coalition for Education and Development, the Reading Writing hotline, the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association and the Literacy for Life Foundation. 

Australia Reads: 2020 campaign round up

For the Australia Reads 2020 rebrand we moved towards a fun, friendly and flexible look and feel that would appeal to kids and grown ups alike and allow us to easily pivot towards #AustraliaReadsAtHome during lockdown. The Australian Reading Hour, our major event, was delayed from September to November and all but one live author events were cancelled. The move posed significant challenges, but the three campaigns over the year created months of promotion of the benefits of reading.

Australian Reading Hour Report 2019

The Australia Reads campaign, incorporating the Australian Reading Hour, was a huge success in 2019 with more than 240 registered events across all Australian states and territories, featuring appearances from more than 60 authors. Many of these events were held in Australian public libraries, with attendance from more than 1,400 people.

Reading Hour Report 2015

The Reading Hour is one of the most celebrated annual reading initiatives in Australia, and supports individuals, families and communities to discover and rediscover the joy of reading. The Reading Hour emerged from the National Year of Reading 2012, and is an ongoing campaign from Love2Read, funded by the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance and in partnership with the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.

Reading Hour Report 2016

The Reading Hour is one of the most celebrated annual reading initiatives in Australia, and supports individuals, families and communities to discover and rediscover the joy of reading. The Reading Hour emerged from the National Year of Reading 2012, and is an ongoing campaign from Love2Read, funded by the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance and in partnership with the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.


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