Social media

ALIA Library

Digital engagement and the ATSILIRN protocols: Indigenous Australian experiences and expertise guiding the use of social media in libraries

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference paper discusses how The State Library of New South Wales piloted collecting social media content for the heritage collection of life in NSW, as part of a scientific trial with the CSIRO.  The lessons learned provide valuable insights into collecting this type of digital material.

The social PLN: mature-age students finding online support

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation seeks to spark discussion, raise awareness and contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the use of social networking for professional learning, the formation and fostering of professional learning networks and the future of the profession.

Archiving the 2013 Australian federal election

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses how the National Library of Australia and its participant agencies built the largest collection of online Australian election material to date in 2013. The election was notable in a number of ways, the new platforms being used to disseminate a political message, the amount of material that was produced and how much of this we could and could not collect.

There and back: a story of how an idea grew beyond expectations

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In 2013 the ANZ 23 Mobile Things programme took over the Southern Hemisphere as the professional development programme of choice.  Over 6 months, 770 people learnt how to use their mobile device to enhance their life, their libraries and their patrons’ ability to connect.  
This conference presentation goes through the process of how one tweet of an idea turned into a MOOC, what the successes were, what the challenges were, what worked and what didn’t.

VIZIE: collecting social media

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference presentation discusses how the State Library of New South Wales piloted collecting social media content for the heritage collection of life in NSW, as part of a scientific trial with the CSIRO.  The lessons learned provide valuable insights into collecting this type of digital material.


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