Evidence-based library science

ALIA Library

10 reasons why library and information professionals are essential

The values and activities of library and information professionals which make them essential include trust in the profession, freedom of information, evidence-based practice, digital expertise and inclusion, respectful work with indigenous knowledge, support to freedom of expression, equitable access to information, support of the right to privacy, open access principles and cross-sector collaboration.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with white and black text.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary (black text)

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with black text.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The series of promotional posters address "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge".

"It’s what we do here": Embedding evidence-based practice at USQ Library

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference paper discusses the creation of a role dedicated to embedding evidence-based practice into Australian academic libraries. By explicitly positioning evidence-based practice so prominently within USQ Library we are taking a leap forward, using local, professional and research evidence to transform our collections, spaces and services in response to ever-evolving client needs.

Data speaks volumes: evidence-based delivery of library services in a user-centered library

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper discusses the emerging trend in librarianship to rely on evidence and data, rather than opinion and anecdotes, to guide the planning, delivery, and assessment of library services that are truly user-oriented.

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