ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses how technology offers a TAFE library a great opportunity to improve the way students access information and customer service. Over the years, TAFE libraries have embraced technology, however, it’s been incremental and a case of making small noticeable differences to the service. The primary driver is still brick-and-mortar service delivery. It’s the way we have done things for so long. We deliver service in a way that we believe, best offers students immediate gratification and quality delivery. Either the information is on the shelves or our staff will find it and get it to you without delay. So brick-and-mortar is still the primary channel for TAFE libraries.
Nevertheless, we have now reached the precipice of change. We are now in a technology charged world that is accelerating at a rapid pace, opening the doors for TAFE libraries to dramatically change the way we deliver library products and services. The coming years will see TAFE libraries push quicker towards an omni-channel strategy - a mash up of physical and digital service experience for stud