ALIA Library

Change management: redesigning, reskilling and redeploying

National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium, 30 October - 1 November 2013, Canberra: waves of change.
This paper examines the change management process from the announcement of the change through to the implementation of the new supplier. The paper presents findings from team surveys and interviews conducted throughout the process. Recommendations are given for staff facing similar changes in their own work environments.

ALIA national 2022 conference program

ALIA National 2022 Conference, 16 May - 19 May 2022 Canberra: Diversity
ALIA National Conference provides the platform as a meeting point for all Library and Information professionals, from all sectors and all areas of Australia and the international community. 
Respect for the diversity and individuality of all people is one of ALIA’s core values, and ‘diversity’ has been selected by ALIA President, Vicki Edmunds as her Presidential theme. Libraries serve diverse communities and work to develop, maintain and share diverse collections.


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