Government publications

ALIA Library

ALIA submission to Freedom of Information (FOI) Reform, May 2009

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) congratulates the government on developing the draft legislation and, in a timely manner, seeking to ensure that information is managed as a national resource. Improvements in FOI are vital for an informed nation, and expanding digital access will contribute significantly to an effective democracy and a digital nation.
ALIA recommends that to be truly effective further consideration should be given to:

ALIA submission to JCP Inquiry into Electronic Distribution of the Parliamentary Paper Series, May 2010

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recommends the publication of the full text of Parliamentary Papers through a national repository based in the parliamentary network providing long- term access through modern systems supporting full text searching, RSS feeds, alerts and other mechanisms to assist Australians to participate in our great democracy.


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