Indigenous people

ALIA Library

Libraries and information services and Indigenous peoples

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) endorses the vision of a united Australia which respects this land of ours; values the Indigenous heritage; and provides justice and equity for all.
This document identifies four key areas to be addressed by the library and information services sector in providing services to Indigenous peoples, and in managing information relevant to Indigenous cultures and communities.

Innovative Pacific curriculum integration through academic and information literacy partnerships

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference paper [peer reviewed] presents an innovative case study of a curriculum integration research project which began in late 2011 with the integration of academic and information literacy (AIL) skills into the undergraduate programme of Pacific Studies at university.

Improving library services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Libraries across Australia are focused on improving services for people identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, whether they live in cities, towns or remote communities.
This document has examples of initiatives that are already underway, while highlighting opportunities for further improvement. It shows that libraries are maximising the use of their facilities, developing thoughtful programs, taking a more respectful approach to collections and expanding professional development opportunities for library and information professionals.

ALIA submission in response to the IP Australia inquiry into the protection of Indigenous Knowledge in the Intellectual Property System, February 2019

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) submission in response to the Protection of Indigenous Knowledge Consultation Paper concerning issues associated with the protection and management of Indigenous Knowledge.

Indigenous matters: a report on the ALIA Leadership & Innovation Forums 2018-2019

In 2018, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) organised seven Leadership & Innovation Forums across Australia. These forums are a biennial event.
The theme in 2018 was ‘Meaningful and respectful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and heritage – what more do we need to do?’ This aligned with the Presidential theme of Indigenous matters and complemented ALIA’s 2019 Truth, Integrity, Knowledge campaign.

Gaps in the descriptive metadata of our national memory: digital engagement with colonial photographs of Indigenous Australians

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers should be aware that this paper contains images and names of people who are now deceased.
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses the value, relevance and role of historical images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people along with the decriptive metadata that was recorded at the time of capture.

Gaps in the descriptive metadata of our national memory: digital engagement with colonial photographs of Indigenous Australians

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers should be aware that this paper contains images and names of people who are now deceased.
This conference paper discusses the value, relevance and role of historical images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people along with the decriptive metadata that was recorded at the time of capture.

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