Innovative Pacific curriculum integration through academic and information literacy partnerships [slides]

ALIA Library

McFall-McCaffery, Judy; McCartney, Marina

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which presents an innovative case study of a curriculum integration research project which began in late 2011 with the integration of academic and information literacy (AIL) skills into the undergraduate programme of Pacific Studies at university.
Challenging the traditional ways of raising, embedding and sustaining student outcomes and success in tertiary institutions for diverse minority learners and equity groups is essential. Crucial to the success of the project is the application and implementation of indigenous Pacific pedagogies and approaches in student engagement, teaching and learning, the active support of the Head of Department and a collective partnership approach between academics, Libraries and Learning Services, and other teams.
The project included curriculum mapping to the University Graduate Profile, a three year research survey exploring the AIL skills of 1st year and 3rd year Pacific students, ongoing student feedback, evaluations, and project enhancements. The authors examine the implications and outcomes of Pacific AIL (PAIL) integration which include: assignment questions and assessments; essay guides; First Year Experience (FYE) Targeted Learning sessions; the development of marking rubrics and their implementation in Stage 1 courses and beyond; and the inclusion of skill based workshops into the existing Pacific Studies academic enhancement programme, Vaka Moana. Future developments and sustainability of the ‘cross team’ approach in curriculum integration for student success outcomes are discussed.


Deakin, ACT: Australian Library and Information Association
University of Auckland
Pacific Ocean