Professional associations

ALIA Library

INELI-Oceania Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

This document represents a statement of intent between INELI-Oceania, Australian Library and Information Association, Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa, National and State Libraries Australasia, National Library of Australia, National Library of New Zealand, State Library of Queensland, Public Libraries Victoria Network, Yarra Plenty Regional Libraries and Auckland Libraries. 

Memorandum of understanding between Health Libraries Inc (HLI) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)/Health Libraries Australia (HLA)

This document sets out the structure of the relationship between Health Libraries Inc (HLI) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), which includes Health Libraries Australia (HLA).

ALIA Groups Handbook

*** This version of the Groups Handbook has been superseded by the April 2023 edition, which is available in the Member Resources section of the ALIA Website ***
This document provides information related to establishing and managing an ALIA member group. ALIA Groups are formed by ALIA Members and are either geographically or interest based. While some Groups are localised, a number of them operate nationwide.

ALIA Board climate change statement

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Board accepts that climate change is a dangerous reality and that its effects pose an increasing threat to libraries and the communities they serve. 
The statement outlines actions being taken by ALIA to respond to climate change by supporting its members, reducing the association's own environmental footprint and being and active participant in collective efforts to improve the outlook for the planet.

ALIA Honours Board individual profiles: N-Z

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document includes individual biographical information about Honours Board recognition recipients with surnames beginning N-Z.

ALIA Honours Board individual profiles: G-M

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document includes individual biographical information about Honours Board recognition recipients with surnames beginning G-M.

ALIA Honours Board individual profiles: A-F

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document includes individual biographical information about Honours Board recognition recipients with surnames beginning A-F.

ALIA Honours Board

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document lists honours board recognitions, past presidents, honorary members, excellence award recipients and fellows of ALIA.

ALIA Fellowship

The Board of Directors may confer the distinction of Fellow on a member who, in the opinion of the Board, has reached an exceptionally high standard of proficiency in library and information science, and has made a distinguished contribution to the theory or practice of library and information science, and also directly contributed to the aims and objects of the Australian Library and Information Association.
This document provides general information about the award and an application form to nominate an individual to receive the award.


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