Freedom of information

ALIA Library

10 reasons why library and information professionals are essential

The values and activities of library and information professionals which make them essential include trust in the profession, freedom of information, evidence-based practice, digital expertise and inclusion, respectful work with indigenous knowledge, support to freedom of expression, equitable access to information, support of the right to privacy, open access principles and cross-sector collaboration.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with white and black text.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary (black text)

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with black text.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The series of promotional posters address "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge".

ALIA submission to Freedom of Information (FOI) Reform, May 2009

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) congratulates the government on developing the draft legislation and, in a timely manner, seeking to ensure that information is managed as a national resource. Improvements in FOI are vital for an informed nation, and expanding digital access will contribute significantly to an effective democracy and a digital nation.
ALIA recommends that to be truly effective further consideration should be given to:

ALIA submission in response to Australia's first Open Government National Action Plan 2016-2018

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) in response to Australia's first Open Government Action Plan 2016-2018 discusses the role of public, academic, research and special libraries in supporting open data and digitial transformation, citizen engagement and access to government information, the provision of data management and researcher support services, and the societal benefits of access to high-value datasets within Trove.

Submission in response to Australia’s second Open Government National Action Plan 2018-2020

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) emphasises the role of public libraries in support of open government and digital tranformation through helping users to discover, access and use data. Libraries are trusted places, promoting equity and freedom of access to information and resources.

Submission to the Review of the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Australian Information Act 2010 (IC Act)

This submission recommends: Amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), as it applies to government information, in order to promote freedom of access ; nominating a single agency and providing it with the funding and resources to store government information and make it accessible to the public; recognise and develop the role of national, state and public libraries in connecting every Australian with the information generated by government. 


Principles of access to public sector information

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the federal government’s commitment to open government policies and freedom of information and agrees that public sector information should be recognised as a national resource to be developed and preserved in the public interest. ALIA asserts that this information should be publicly available except where restricted by law, privacy considerations or is business in confidence.

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