
ALIA Library

Greening libraries report

The overarching aim of the Greening Libraries research project is to underpin the Australian Library and Information Association’s focus on sustainability, in line with its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The report aims to highlight examples of best practice and inform the creation of a toolkit for libraries to help them support environmental action, further the greening libraries movement as well as exemplify sustainability practices that are consistent with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Greening libraries: a literature review for the Australian Library and Information Association

The Greening Libraries Literature Review provides an overview of academic and professional literature relating to sustainability practices in the library and information sector in Australia and overseas. It is the first output from the Greening libraries research project and was commissioned by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) with the support of the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL).

Let's Work Together For Sustainability

This document is an article published in INCITE July/August 2019 Volume 40, Issue 7/8.
Australian librarian and ALIA Fellow, Christine MacKenzie, will become the President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) at the World Library and Information Congress in Athens later this year for the 2019–2021 term. Before she commences her presidency, ALIA grabbed a moment of her time to have a chat about her presidential theme, the challenges on the horizon, and what she’s most looking forward to in her time in office.

Places for people: city and library

Australian Library Design Awards and Conference, 19 June 2017 Melbourne
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the keynote address 'The City of Melbourne experience: libraries as part of city planning' at the Australian Library Design Awards 2017. The presentation provides an insight into the move towards repurposing inner city areas to encourage economic vitality, social cohesion and sustainability.

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