Emergency management

ALIA Library

Executive Statement of Support to Health Libraries and Health Library Workers

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Health Libraries Australia Executive (HLA) along with the ALIA Board of Directors supports the safety and well-being of library workers and the health sciences communities. The Executive advocates for the safety of members, colleagues, health care workers, and the general public in the continuing provision of information services and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

ALIA supports its members during COVID-19: August 2020 - April 2021 update

Since the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) released its 'ALIA supports its Members during COVID-19' report in July 2020 much has changed. Several states have gone into and come out of lockdown, the vaccine rollout is well underway and library staff have constantly readjusted their services to meet government requirements whilst serving community needs.

ALIA submission to 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, December 2009

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) highlights the role public libraries can play as part of the emergency management process and reinforces their contribution, not only to information and learning, but also as a ‘third place’ – not home, school or work, but a shared community space.


Australian libraries responding to COVID-19: Checklist for reopening libraries

As of 1 May, governments have started planning to ease restrictions on services, with the Northern Territory announcing the reopening of public library services from 15 May. We anticipate greater clarity in the coming weeks about when libraries may be able to ease restrictions on services and reopen fully. While government can make broad statements about libraries reopening, the details will need to be carefully planned by library managers to mitigate any remaining risks for staff and library users.

COVID-19 and Australian public libraries: interim report 30 April

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), with input from the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance, has been monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on Australian public libraries since early March. This report summarises the feedback from 225 of the 400 library services (in total covering 1500 locations) nationally, including several joint use school community libraries.

This interim report has three purposes:

ALIA disaster scenarios for staff training sessions

This document has been updated from an earlier edition (ALIA, 2010) and provides various disaster training scenarios which can help staff to prepare, update and refine library Disaster Plans and assist in staff training. A list of key issues is also provided for facilitators to select and adapt to help groups explore the implications of the different disaster scenarios.
This resource can be used in conjunction with the ALIA Disaster Management for Libraries: Guide (Part 1) and Disaster Plan Template (Part 2).


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