Emergency management

ALIA Library

ALIA disaster management for libraries: part two - disaster plan template

This template has been flexibly designed for your library or cultural institution to develop its own collections Disaster Plan. It is to be used in conjunction with the Guide (Part one) which provides an overview and context for the Disaster Plan. The template is based on a medium to large sized library but can be tailored to meet the needs of smaller libraries, or other collecting organisations.

ALIA disaster management for libraries: part one - guide

This guide provides concise information about how to safeguard library collections in the event of a disaster and has been updated from an earlier edition (ALIA, 2010). The Guide (Part one) gives an overview and context for the Disaster Plan. The Disaster Plan Template (Part two) provides further details and a flexible integrated model with tables and a checklist for you to adapt and develop your library’s own Disaster Plan.

Blue Shield Australia and the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and natural disasters

Fires, floods and failures: future proofing against disaster, 1 May 2019 Canberra
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) outlines risks to the preservation of cultural heritage due to armed conflict and the effects of climate change and introduces the three phases of cultural property protection:

  1. Before an event - prepardeness, mitigation and prevention
  2. During an event - emergency first responders and first aid
  3. After an event - recovery and reconstruction


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