Information technology

ALIA Library

eRebel with a cause: My journey from library technician student to eservices specialist

It certainly is a devil of a time in libraries! Over the last three decades the rapid advancement of Internet Communication Technologies (ICT) has radically transformed the way we live, work, play, communicate, think and learn. These changes have impacted greatly on libraries, threatening the traditional concept of the library. Libraries face a myriad of challenges in an ongoing quest to meet the incessantly changing learning and social needs of their communities.

A perfect fit! Tailoring IT teaching to your community

Public libraries today face the challenge of educating and bridging the knowledge gaps of those patrons in their communities who have limited experience with information technology, and few related skills. Connecting people with information, fostering digital skills in the community, and enabling participation in online environments have become core functions of the library. These functions, which are lacking in other public and private spaces, are increasingly relied upon by library users to socialise, develop themselves and conduct their business.

Joint response to the National Arts and Culture Accord Digital Technology Survey, August 2015

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the peak representational bodies for the galleries, libraries, archives and museums of Australasia thank the authors for producing this report which provides useful discussion topics and a series of interesting recommendations that merit further investigation. GLAM sector organisations welcome the recommendations relating to cross domain and cross jurisdiction strategies and collaboration.


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