Public libraries

ALIA Library

First 5 forever

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) from the summit provides an overview of the 'First 5 forever' program in Queensland.

Australian Public Library Alliance achievements 2016-2018

The ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) is the peak body for public libraries in Australia. Our committee comprises the chair of every state-based public library association, a senior representative from the ACT, Northern Territory and Tasmanian library services, and expert members. We represent 94% of all the 1500 public libraries across Australia through membership subscription.

ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance National strategy and action plan 2019-2022

The 2019-2022 ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance National strategy and action plan builds on the previous plan for 2015-2018 and the national vision and framework for Australian public libraries 2010-2015 within the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Strategic priorities and actions for the next three years are: 
1. National public library collaboration and advocacy
2. Supporting literacy and lifelong learning
3. Informed and connected citizens
4. Digital inclusion
5. Personal development and wellbeing


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