Contents: ruling from LAA allows MLG to request funding as a Special Interest Group for special projects; journal list update; part-time librarians appointed to Mount Royal Special Hospital for the Aged and the Mt Eliza Geriatric Centre; report of talk by Trevor Topfer, Training Manager, Hoechst Pharmaceutical Department, on the role of the librarian in patient education; report on joint meeting with the Information Science Section (Victorian Group) of the LAA on Medline: its present use and plans for future development, speakers: Sandra Russell (Monash University), Anne Harrison (University of Melbourne), and Paul Hodgson (Australian MEDLARS Service). Paul hoped that Medline would extend into the hospital field in the near future; Committee: Elizabeth Osborn, Chairman, Anne McLean, Vice-Chairman/Treasurer, Jane Oliver, Secretary.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.