
ALIA Library

ALIA Code of Ethics for the Australian LIS Workforce - template

The ALIA Code of Ethics for the Australian Library and Information Services Workforce provides a shared reference point for professional conduct, policies, and day-to-day decision making. Use this fillable template to customise the Code of Ethics for your library and information services workplace or network by filling in action examples for each clause.

ALIA Professional Pathways board meeting: Take home messages 28 November 2022

The meeting was scheduled to be held following the close of Phase 1 of the consultation period which was designed to progress two of the recommendations made by the Advisory Committee following the Technical Report:
Recommendation 1: Develop a framework of knowledge, skills and ethical behaviour
Recommendation 3: Develop new professional pathways
The Advisory Board discussed the areas of general agreement and areas where more work needs to be done. The three main areas for further work are:
1. Framework structure and conceptual design


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