Organizational change

ALIA Library

The devil’s in the detail – operating a 24x7 library

Curtin University clients have been interested for many years in the Library providing more access to the physical building along with services. In 2013 the Library building underwent a major refurbishment to cater for these needs. Once complete it was possible to position the Library towards a stage by stage progressive journey to a 24x7 model. At the beginning of 2015 we have achieved what was once considered unattainable, a Library open 24 hours a day.

Bringing leadership in libraries to life

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper presents an overview of the design and development of the ground-breaking Living Leadership Program including a summary of initial results from the first year of program delivery.
The future of libraries is dependent on our willingness to embrace opportunities for change today.  The impact of technology has been well recognised, but the looming need for workforce renewal and development is more significant.

ALIA guidelines for special libraries experiencing service reviews

Every special library is likely to experience the review process at some point, often triggered by changes in the parent organisation. It is important to remember that while a review is challenging, it is also an opportunity to reinforce messages about the role and value of the library and information service. The review process can result in the reduction of some library and information services, but others find themselves coming out of the process in an even stronger position.


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