Public libraries

ALIA Library

ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government National Preventative Health Strategy consultation, April 2021

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA), and ALIA Health Libraries Australia discusses how public libraries support people to gain information and health literacy skills; and the role of health libraries as important sources of information for medical students, researchers, clinicians, and other health practitioners.


ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government Inquiry into Adult Literacy, March 2021

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian Public Library Australia (APLA) discusses how libraries bring lifelong learning to the people who need it most; support adult literacy in its many forms; and make the link between early literacy and family literacy. 


The new UX at State Library Victoria

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference paper examines the thinking and planning behind the re-imagined SLV, including developments to the physical spaces, external drivers for change, and the impacts these changes will have both for people using the Library as well as for the staff working in it.

APLA-ALIA Standards and Guidelines for Australian Public Libraries, December 2020

In August 2020 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) on behalf of the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) engaged I & J Management Services Pty. Ltd. to update the 2016 Guidelines, Standards and Outcome Measures for Australian Public Libraries. The purpose of the project was to establish national standards and guidelines for public libraries that reflect the evolving role of contemporary public libraries and to better recognise the different circumstances in the eight states and territories, allowing for appropriate local interpretation.

ALIA submission to the Review of the Australian Government’s use of Information and Communication Technology, July 2008

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) discusses how government libraries provide a key part of the information management infrastructure of government agencies. In order for public service employees and clients of government agencies to benefit from online information resources an approach is needed to ensure that:
a) quality information resources are available cost-effectively to support policy development and program delivery;


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