School librarians

ALIA Library

Great Australian School Libraries Campaign

In October 2015, FAIR (Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) joined with the Australian Library and Information Association, ALIA Schools, Australian School Library Association, Queensland School Library Association, School Library Association of NSW, School Library Association of South Australia, School Library Association of Victoria and the Western Australian School Library Association to seek nominations of Great School Libraries across the nation.
This document summarises survey results gathered in the Great Australian School Libraries Campaign nomination process.

Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres: Template

A template document for the Manual for developing policies and procedures for Australian school library resource centres that can be used to update or prepare your own school library copy. Its aim is to develop the policies and document the procedures that are essential for exemplary management practices. The implementation of these policies and procedures will ensure that there is equitable access to resources for all users.

ALIA Schools PD 2012: Learning in a changing world - iPad case study

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 2 June 2012: Learning in a changing world - curriculum integration 
Learning in a changing world is a series of five books prepared by ALIA & ASLA published by ACER to support teacher librarians and school libraries in the 21st century. This series will be the focus for professional learning during 2012.

50 years of ALIA Schools

This document provides a timeline that covers the milestones in the history of school libraries which became a separate section of the Library Association of Australia, now the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), in 1967. It also highlights significant events in the education and/or government sectors. Data from many of the reports commissioned by ALIA was used for lobbying federal government bodies which resulted in funding for school library buildings and resources.

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Government Disability Standards for Education 2020 Review, September 2020

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and ALIA Schools discusses the role of the school library in the support of teaching and learning; the right of all students to fully participate in their learning and have positive experiences in education; and how the Disability Standards for Education make a positive difference by drawing attention to the need to accommodate students of all abilities.

ALIA Schools PD 2018: Reimagining the 21st century collection [slides]

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 17 March 2018 Glen Iris, Victoria: What does the 21st century school collection look like?
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for school library services. This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanies the keynote address which explores the concepts underpinning the creation and development of a modern school library collection.



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